I am a Natural Language Processing Graduate Student at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. I enjoy problem-solving and coding. Always strive to bring 100% to the work I do. I have worked on technologies like Python, Django, Flask, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS, C++ during my bachelor's. I have 19 months of professional work experience which helped me strengthen my experience in Vue.js, jset, and Django. I am passionate about developing complex applications that solve real-world problems impacting millions of users. I always wish to work and study in a competitive and innovative environment where there are new challenges with every new project so that I can learn and enhance my technical, analytical, and managerial skills. My research interests lie in Deep Learning mainly in the field of natural language processing and end-to-end text-to-speech systems.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, C, C++, HTML/CSS, Bash
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- Libraries: Numpy, Pandas, Librosa, Scikit-Learn, NLTK, OpenCV
- Frameworks: Flask, Django, Vue.js, Node.js, Selenium, Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Bootstrap
- Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, AWS, GCP, Heroku, JIRA
Looking for an opportunity to work in a challenging position combining my skills in Software Engineering, which provides professional development, interesting experiences and personal growth.
- Design, code, and debug related to front-end development.
- Fully automate the UI testing using Selenium framework.
- Maintain and upgrade existing products to improve their performance.
- Train other developers and manage the technical aspects of projects.
- Improved the response time by 20% by refactoring the codebase and changing database design and queries.
- Tools: Vue.js, Python, Flask, MongoDB
- Research and development of an end-to-end Urdu Text-to-Speech system using deep learning.
- Full stack development of an automated Urdu broadcast media content extraction and analytics system using Django framework.
- Development of NLP module to generate phonetic stream from plain Urdu text for the production of natural and intelligible speech.
- Development of statistical POS tagger for Urdu using different machine learning approaches.
- Creation of installation package for the deployment of HMM based Urdu SAPI voice in Windows environment.
- Implementation of Fernet encryption for Urdu lexicon.
- Tools: Python, Django, Keras, Tensorflow, PyTorch, MySQL
- To predict the failure of Power Transformers based on dissolved gas analysis (DGA) data
- Created an alert system to send notifications and emails when the parameters exceed the threshold.
- Supervising repair, winding, insulation and testing section of the workshop.
- Tools: Python, Flask, JavaScript
A CNN, LSTM and Attention based model to recognize human emotions.
An RNN based deployed model for sentiment analysis using AWS.
An RNN based model trained on TV Scripts to generate new TV Scripts which can be used by production companies.
A web application to predict whether a person earns more than a threshold or not.
A deep neural network for bike sharing company.
A fine-tuned CNN (VGG-16) to predict the breed of a dog.
A linear regression model hourly/monthly bill projection.
Languages and Databases
Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Degree: M.Sc. Natural Language Processing
CGPA: 3.68/4.0
Year: 2022 - 2024
- Advanced Natural Language Processing
- Deep Learning for Language Processing
- Topics in Advanced Natural Language Processing
- Advanced Speech Processing
- Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
- Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Relevant Courseworks:
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Nanjing, China
Degree: M.Sc. Computer Science and Technology
CGPA: 3.897/4.0
Year: 2021 - 2022
- Principles and Methods of Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining & Big Data Analysis
- Fundamentals of Image Analysis
- Pattern Recognition Technology
- Distributed System and Parallel Computing
Relevant Courseworks:
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
Lahore, Pakistan
Degree: Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
CGPA: 3.747/4.0
Year: 2016 - 2020
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Control Systems
- Machine Learning
- Database Engineering
- Computer Networks
- Computer Architecture
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